Posts tagged skin care tips
What is Skinimalism? Why is it a trend now?

So the real question there is, "is the best skincare routine minimal, maximal, or somewhere in between?" The answer is, it always depends on you, and your skin.

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Which fits you most? See the difference between Chemical peel vs HydraFacial

Are you ready to take your skincare to the next exciting level? The best decision that you should be making now is when are you going to book an appointment to start bringing back your youthful glow. It is best that you book a membership to get the discounted offers! OC Facial Center offers both a chemical peel and HydraFacial. Schedule an appointment today to bring back your youthful skin and get glowing results!

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Getting Rid of Dark Spots

Discoloration is a reality of life. Early brown patches and dark spots, could be as a result of lifestyle or heredity, but at a particular age, we all get some of it. Several uncontrollable factors cause the skin to become darker (hyperpigmentation), starting with the increase in melanin, the substance responsible for the regulation of pigment. Primarily, hyperpigmentation is caused by over-exposure to the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. But dark spots can also be seen due to melasma which causes them to generate over time into acne or other skin trauma. Of course, the worst culprit is the increase in sun exposure, says a Beverly Hills Dermatologist, Dr. Zein Obagi. 

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